Elizabeth (Beth) Overmore is Strategic Plan Coordinator for the State Bar of South Dakota. As the Strategic Plan Coordinator she works with state bar staff and attorneys volunteers to develop new initiatives and programs to fulfill the purpose of the state bar strategic plan. When she isn't working, you can find Beth enjoying live music or good food with her family and friends.
What are you reading right now?
I am currently in the middle of three books: (1) Being Mortal by Atul Gawande; (2) The Passage by Justin Cronin; and (3) Advise and Dissent by James G. Abourezk.
Who is your favorite author?
Isn't that like picking your favorite child? I honestly can't think of one author I prefer over all others. I have a book of poetry by Hafiz that was given to me by a mentor. The book is titled The Gift. I take that book down from the shelf more than any other book I own.
What book are you too nervous to begin?
I am a little nervous to begin Becoming by Michelle Obama. My mom is reading it right now and keeps telling me how beautiful it is. I hope I find it as meaningful as she has.
Favorite TV or film adaptation of a book?
I am a Lord of the Rings fan/nerd, so I HAVE to go with that.
Car reading: yea or nay?
I prefer car karaoke.
Which do you prefer: audiobook, ebook or physical book?
Physical book always. There is no comparison for me.
What is your favorite reading spot?
In the nook of my couch, under a soft throw with a cup of tea on an early Saturday morning.
What is your preference when it comes to books: new or used?
The books I tend to really enjoy come from my mom and sister as their recommendations, so I guess those are used. But I do love a new book as well.
"It was a dark and stormy night" or "Once upon a time"?
I'm a sucker for a fairy tale, "Once upon a time" for me.
If you could have coffee with any author - dead or alive - who would it be? Why?
Probably Dr. Seuss. he was such a creative genius that made very difficult and sometimes complex ideas or problems interesting and fun for children to learn about and read. The Lorax, as an example, reminds me to this day to take care of the things around me. His writing and illustrations also just make me happy. I would want to tell him that.