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Meet Our Volunteers: Brenda and Angela

Meet our volunteers Brenda Hemmelman and Angela Erb!

Meet Brenda and Angela, two of the incredible volunteers who help keep the in-person and online bookstores at Reach up and running so well! Get to know more about their work with Reach and what they enjoy reading through the Q&A below!

What do you do at Reach? 

Brenda: Bookstore volunteer.

Angela: I help enter donated books into the online inventory. 

Why do you volunteer at Reach? 

Brenda: Meeting people, getting to know the other volunteers, and helping customers find books

Angela: I volunteer at Reach because I LOVE BOOKS! Obviously! 

What’s one thing you think everyone should know about Reach? 

Brenda: The importance of the educational services Reach provides.

Angela: I think everyone should know that not only is Reach a bookstore, but also a classroom.

Which book made you fall in love with reading?

Brenda: I'm a librarian, so it's a little stereotypical, but I had original Hardy Boys and Nancy Drew sets when I was a kid, so they got me hooked on reading.

Angela: Is it cliche for a bookworm to say I have always loved reading? It’s true, though! 

What’s a book you think everyone should read at least once in their lifetime? 

Brenda: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe.

Angela: I think everyone should read Dale Carnegie’s How to Win Friends and Influence People. Oldie but a goodie! 

Which fictional world would you love to live in?

Brenda: Wizarding World of Harry Potter.

Angela: I would love to live in any fictional world with witches …or aliens. Preferably the nice kind that get along with humans. 😉

How has being a part of Reach Literacy impacted your reading habits?

Brenda: The volunteers are all readers, and everyone is always recommending different titles, so my reading has expanded.

Angela: I am really trying to branch out and try new genres since joining Reach.

What’s your favorite way to discover new books?

Brenda: Browsing shelves at the library or bookstores.

Angela: I like to visit the library and check out their displays to discover new (or old but new to me) books.


We are so grateful for the work Brenda and Angela do for Reach Literacy! They are dedicated to making sure everyone who browses our physical bookstore and online inventory has the best possible experience and the greatest chance of finding reads that resonate with them.


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